DDM For SAP Applications allows SAP users to manage business documents easier and faster; The most important feature of DDM For SAP Applications is the power of the real native integration with the SAP, offering agreat user experience.

DDM For SAP Applications covers the need to manage the Document-driven Workflow directly within SAP, avoiding interfaces.

Thanks to a very strong synergy and collaboration with customers and partners, DDM for SAP Applications can now offer many Best Practices and Case Studies inprojects implementation, focused on document management and related business processes.
DDM for SAP Applications suite goes beyond the boundaries of the classical document management; the native SAP integration is the real power of DDM for SAP Applications suite, which could be better defined as the “BPDM – Business Process (over the) Document Management”.

Many SAP Customers, operating in severalindustrial sectors, rely on DDM for SAP Applications in order to manage their own document-driven business processes: the major benefit consists of the real native integration with SAP, avoiding the implementation and maintainance of complex interfaces.


DDM for SAP Applications makes document-driven business processes easier, smarter and faster, thanks to DDM’s Partners who trust into the power of the real native integration with SAP and offer their skills to the customers in order to support them on the roadmap of the document digitization.


DDM for SAP Applications “looks familiar” to SAP Consultants and SAP Users. DDM wants to support customers in improving their own document management projects, by running workflows directly within the SAP enviroment, thanks to the real native integration with SAP.

Our approach

Business Requirements Analisys

We support Customers and Partners in project analysis of several industry

Professionals and Responsability

We think that professionalism is the heart of our work, for this reason we developour “ready-to-use”products, in order to soddisfy the business requirements of almost all functional areas


We combine our solutions with our expertise, in order to get the best result in processes and procedures implementation

Synergistic Partnership

We support our Partners on all phases of projects implementation, sharing with them the Best Practices and Expertise acquired during these years, thanks to the many projects implemented together with Customers



CTO Chief Technical Office
CSO Chief Sales Officer
COO Chief Operation Officer


Learnhow DDM for SAP Applications can support your business

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